This 18' x 22' workshop uses T-Rex Connectors making it easy to cut and assemble with no complicated joinery. It has a 7'6" storage loft on one end, with the rest of the building being open. The 21-page plan consists of elevations, timber and fastener lists, post layout, plate/joist layout, wall layouts, rafter layout, foundation layout, fastening details, and single beam drawings. The frame is made up of 8x8 posts, 8x12 tie and plate beams, 6x6 joists and door headers, 4x8 rafters, 4x5 knee braces, 4x4 siding nailers, and a 2x10 ridge beam. It also gives you all door, window and siding nailer locations, taking all guesswork out when building. These plans make it very easy to build a great workshop, so get started today!
Frame Specifications:
- Size: 18' x 22'
- Joinery: T-Rex Connectors
- Posts: 8x8
- Plate Beams: 8x12
- Tie Beams: 8x12
- Joists: 6x6
- Rafters: 4x8
- Door Bucks/Headers: 6x6
- Siding Nailers: 4x4
- Knee Braces: 4x5
- Ridge: 2x10
- Roof: 8 Pitch
- Wall Height: 8' 1-1/2"
Plan Specifications:
- Frame Elevations
- Material List
- Post Layout
- Foundation Layout
- Plate/Joist Layout
- All Wall Layouts with window, door and siding nailer locations
- Rafter Layout
- Single Beam Drawings
- Fastening Details
18' x 22' T-REX Workshop
The CNC Pre-Cut Frame for this Workshop starts at $15,000. Contact us for more information.